Saturday, August 13, 2011

As my journey of motherhood continues, I find myself face to face with more great lessons. While sometimes that is exhausting, it's also beautiful. The lesson right now... Love! Not just love but unconditional, ravishing love. I would like to say that I now have this one figured out but this lesson is a life long lesson. However, I do feel that being a mother/parent helped me gain new revaluation in this area. You see, as I sit here at 5 something in the morning feeding my baby girl, I am realizing how much I would love to still be asleep. I mean, it is Saturday after all. But... BUT! Somehow I don't mind. My love for her makes it okay that I have lost all sleeping in privileges. In fact, I get an unexplainable joy from holding her and looking at her. Can she reciprocate this? Not yet. Does she do anything to earn it? Not exactly. Yet it's there.
So, now to the lesson.... This is how God feels about us! And even more!! We don't have to earn it or even reciprocate it, yet He continues to love us... To love ME! I have known for a long time that God loves me but I have a new understanding of just how great that love is because of my love for my child. Even though I haven't done anything to earn or deserve His unconditional love, He gives it freely. What a wonderful picture of the love of God!
The second part to this lesson is the trusting aspect. You see, just as she depends on and trusts me so should/can I depend on and trust God. She doesn't sit and worry about food or clothing. Those things WILL be provided for her. In the same way, I don't need to worry because God will provide. I am so thankful for this revelation and look forward to knowing it more clearly. I hope you too get a deeper understanding of God's love for you!

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